The Ornamental Grass Garden in Grant Park


This past August I noticed a new garden along South Michigan Avenue, just south of Jackson Street, in downtown Chicago, and while most of the landscape beds along the commercial district of Michigan Avenue are filled with seasonal flowers, these beds were more reflective of the nearby gardens designed by Roy Diblik at the Art Institute of Chicago and the Shedd Aquarium, and Piet Oudolf’s Lurie Garden in Millennium Park, two blocks north; the beds were planted entirely in ornamental grasses, including some Midwest native grasses.


The parkway beds, shown fallow in spring, once held seasonal displays of annual flowers
– Google streetview

These beds once held petunias, angelonias and other summer annuals.  The new plantings of ornamental grasses are not only a better economic solution, they beautifully give a nod to the unique Midwest prairie landscape.


Over a dozen varieties of grasses and sedges make up the plantings, the various species form a block-long tapestry of complementary and contrasting texture and color.  Below is a list of the grasses that I identified, some cultivars are a “best guess.”

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Having been only recently planted, the grasses are not yet mature, but are looking good during their first August.






Some Autumn Images of the Garden



The purple of the Regal Mist Grass had turned a warm straw color in November



An aluminum figure stands among the grasses, part of a larger art installation called “Borders” by Icelandic sculptor, Steinunn Thorarinsdottir.


A Ribbon of rose colored Little Bluestem runs through the center of this bed in November

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Photo taken in Mid-August

Some of the grasses show a dramatic color change, such as the Little Bluestem.  Shown above in its summer blue-gray foliage, and below in its autumnal copper-rose hue.  Also notice, also, how much the ‘Red Rooster’ sedge has grown since August – the “hair plug” look is gone.


Photo taken in Mid-November

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Some Summer Annuals that Finish Strong


Walking around my yard the other day, I had mixed feelings about the cool damp morning.  I have never been a big fan of scorching hot summer days – seems I can never put on enough sunblock, by the end of the day, I wind up looking like a cooked lobster.  Summer, of course, is a busy time for gardeners, and I relish being able pick fruits and vegetables from my gardens.   Asparagus in May, strawberries in June ..grapes..raspberries ..apples through to the last peppers and tomatoes in October.  Summer is a season of planting, watering, harvesting .. sweating, and seemingly, never enough time in the day to get it all done.

When finally October arrives, a slight panic sets in.   When is the first frost going to strike?   I need to pick those peppers before they freeze .. plant the garlic cloves, shallots, and get the vegetable garden beds ready for the early spring crops.  The summer annuals are still looking great, but that could change overnight with an early frost – October 6th, South Dakota just had three feet of snow fall – I’m not ready for that!  I need to take cuttings of my fancy leaved begonias – too big to take the whole plant in.

For future landscape plantings, I always try to take note of what flowers are looking good at different times of the year, and in October there are not many perennials in bloom, save for the asters and some gentians, and one of my new favorites, the Midwest native Blue Mistflower (Conoclinium coelestinum formally Eupatorium coelestinum) is still going strong – amazing.


So are many of the summer annuals, including the ‘State Fair Mix’ Zinnias that were seeded into the garden in early June.  They flowered most of the summer as well, but at that time, they were competing with the perennials and were easier to overlook.


I thought that those cool blue mistflowers and the intensely hot colored zinnias would make a great fall flower arrangement, so I grabbed my florist pot, filled it with water, and gathered my harvest of bright blooms.


While I was cutting the stems (just above a flower bud whenever possible), I noticed that a volunteer Tall Verbena (Verbena boneriensis) was also in bloom, among the zinnias – Just one stem.  I made a mental note to plant some Tall Verbena amongst next year’s zinnias – they made an interesting combination.  The verbena generally shows up as volunteers (self-seeded) in my vegetable garden from plants grown there years ago – I allow them to grow and flower there, wherever they pop up.  It has never been an aggressive spreader, but about a dozen plants just show up on their own every June.  This annual seems to be semi-hardy as well as self-seeding, and its wiry stems of two to three feet, topped by one inch flower clusters, play well with other garden plants.


Arranged in a 75 cent rummage sale vase, the result was bright and cheerful, all for the price of a packet of seeds.  Now to save some seeds for next year’s planting.


At my front door, the begonias did exceptionally well this year.  A few years back, I bought a sad looking little plant at a church rummage sale, but it had an interesting leaf, and the price was right – a buck.   I replanted it into a larger pot and kept it watered, interested to see what it would do.  Over the summer, it grew .. and grew .. and grew.  In photo below, you can see how enormous it gets, the name of this begonia is still unknown to me, but I love its exuberance.  It’s growing in a 14x14x18 inch soap stone sink, salvaged out of a dumpster.  Not a bad display for an investment of one dollar.


The flowers are equally exuberant.  The neon pink clusters are over six inches across and very tropical looking – you never know what you might find at a rummage sale, sometimes it’s more than old purses and bad paintings.


All from a plant that looked like this in June, after a winter inside my home:


In September or October I take cuttings and stick them in a glass of water for a few weeks until I see roots form along the stem, then they get potted up to be kept inside until the warmth of spring arrives the following year.  And the cycle continues.


The other begonia, ‘Gryphon’ is a new one to me.  Last summer, another landscape architect in my office was using it in  tree wells on North Michigan Avenue, The Magnificent Mile, in Chicago.  That August, I found two 4″ potted ‘Gryphon’ Begonias in a garbage can at work – all of the unused summer flowers where being thrown away (sent to a commercial composter).  They were pretty sad looking specimens – just a few yellowed leaves and pot bound- but again, the price was right.


The picture below shows what the plant looked like when it was potted up outside my front door this past spring, and after having spent the winter in my dining room window.  I added the white begonia, not sure the ‘Gryphon’ would thrive – boy was I surprised!  The blue pot that it is growing in was also found in the garbage – a homeowner had left it outside over winter, full of soil, this caused it to crack in to two pieces.  The two pieces, however were easily glued together with some epoxy – so for a about two dollars worth of epoxy, I had a nice $50 pot in which to plant my  salvaged begonia.


On the other side of the door are two planters containing a large leaved Colocasia (or Elephant Ear), a chartreuse leaved, and hard to find ‘Persian Queen’ Geranium, along with some coleus.  Since they were so hard to find, I’m going to overwinter the ‘Persian Queen’ Geranium bare root in my basement.  I love the bright green leaves on this geranium, and the first time I saw it on Detroit garden designer, Deborah Silver’s blog Dirt Simple, my obsession with having it in my garden began. Mine are getting a bit too much shade from the Elephant Ears to show its best color.  Deborah does amazingly creative things with seasonal planters.


These planters looked a bit underwhelming when they were planted during first week of June:


But they soon took off, and just got better and better, looking like this, the first week of October – a good look for summer and if I felt inclined, which I do not, I could add a pot or two of ornamental kale or mums to bring it fully into autumn.


You may remember my cinder block planters from last June.  They too did quite well too, and are still looking good at the start of October:


And while expansive beds of summer annuals should be the rare exception, whether at theme parks, airports, or around one’s home, annuals do have their place in the designed landscape.  Thoughtfully used, annuals have much to offer.  As part of a cutting garden, the resulting flower arrangements, brought indoors and shared with others, can brighten a room and be the start of a conversation; colorful pots at the front door of a home can be changed out with the seasons, offering a warm greeting to visitors; and annuals of various colors, heights, and textures added to planters in a business district create a warm and inviting atmosphere.

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Piet Oudolf’s Lurie Garden at Millennium Park


The Lurie Garden, opened in 2004, is located at the southeast corner of Chicago’s Millennium Park.  The garden covers approximately 2.5 acres of the 24.5 acre park.  The design of the garden resulted from an international competition, the winning team consisted of the Seattle based landscape architect, Kathryn Gustafson; lighting and set designer, Robert Israel, and Dutch nurseryman and landscape designer, Piet Oudolf.  Gustafson and Israel designed the shapes of the beds, water feature, pathway locations, and other hardscape elements.  Oudolf created the planting plan, with the help of Wisconsin nurseryman Roy Diblik, co-owner of Northwind Perennial Farm, where most, if not all, of the perennials for The Lurie Garden were contract grown.

For more about the symbolism of the garden elements, including the underlying meaning of the surrounding hedge, and what the light and dark plates represent, you can visit Wikipedia.  I’m particularly interested in, and will be discussing, the plants used in the garden and how they were laid out as a composition.


As I earlier eluded, the garden consists of a Light Plate (sunny garden) and a Dark Plate (shady garden) with a seam (water coarse with parallel boardwalk) separating the two, and all of it surrounded on two sides, to the west and north, by a 12 foot tall hedge of evergreen arborvitae and deciduous beech and carpinus trees, with Monroe Street and Columbus Drive bordering the south and east sides.


The gardens contain more than 35,000 perennials, 5,200 trees and shrubs, and at least 120,000 spring flowering bulbs.  A more or less complete list of plants can be found here and here.

Along Monroe Street; Baptisia ‘Purple Smoke’, with its big mound of blue-green leaves; tall Joe-Pye Weed (Eupatorium maculatum) topped with domes of pink flowers; and the somewhat lost, Moor Grass, Molinia ‘Transparent’ with its airy (hence the name) flowers, fight for real estate.  As a groundcover, purple ajuga is used with Clematis integrifolia using the tall plants as a living trellis.


Clematis integrifolia, shown below, climbing over a baptisia, blooms from mid to late summer with understated (unlike many spring flowering clematis. Yes, I’m talking to you jackmanii) blue flowers.  The fuzzy seed heads, also visable in the photo, add fall and winter interest to the garden.


Six foot tall stalks rise from the Compass Plant (Silphium laciniatum).  Birds, especially finches, relish the seeds produced by the bright yellow flowers.  Prairie Dropseed grass and Purple Love Grass along with White Echinacea and Rattlesnake Master intermingle with the Compass Plant.


The blue-green leaves of False Blue Indigo ‘Purple Smoke’ (Baptisia sp.) complement the strappy, silver-green leaves of the Rattlesnake Master (Eryngium yuccifolium) with its spiky gray flowerheads rising above its leaves.


The airy flower stalks of Molinia ‘Transparent’, Moor Grass, along with the pinky-purple flowers of Joe-Pye-Weed ‘Purple Bush’ mingle together in the “dark plate” of the garden.  In the distance, Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster’ Grass shows off its straw colored seed heads.


Autumn Moor Grass (Seslaria autumnalis) massed in a corner of the “Dark Plate,” shows off its late summer flower spikes and its bright green foliage next to Hosta ‘Royal Standard’ with the white spikes of Culver’s Root ‘Diane’ showing behind them.


A bright blue mass of  Scutellaria incana (Skullcap) in the “Dark Plate”


Separtating the two “Plates” is the “Seam,” a shallow body of water along a boardwalk made of Ipe wood from South America.  The stream of water steps down towards Monroe Street, creating small waterfalls.  A quiet, peaceful place to sit and soak your feet …


… While 200 feet to the west, the under-ten-crowd had their own idea of what a water feature should be ..


giant faces spitting water into a very shallow reflecting pool, otherwise know as the Crown Fountain, but I digress.


Back to the Light Plate of the Lurie Garden.  Here, Autumn Moor Grass catches the sunlight, with Calamint (Calamentha nepeta susp. nepeta).  Calamint is a great filler species, long blooming (bracts remain showy) and complements other perennials such as coneflowers, Alliums, daylilies, and grasses to name a few.


On its west and north flanks, the garden is enclosed by “The Shoulder Hedge” consisting of a steel framework planted to Beech, Carpinis, and Arborviatae.  Beyond, rises the Modern Wing of The Art Institute of Chicago.  The walkways in the garden are granite pavers cut from countertop scraps.  Originally, the pathways were made of crushed stone.




The designer of the garden, Piet Oudolf, wants us to see beauty in the garden, beyond the flower.  When creating a planting plan, he looks at the plant’s shape, texture, and color, so that even after a plant is finished blooming, the garden still looks good, overall.  The following pictures of the garden reflect that thought process.  ENJOY:



Tennessee Coneflowers and Allium ‘Summer Beauty’ in combination, surrounded by Amsonia hubrichtii, Baptisia, Russian Sage, and Rattlesnake Master


Bright green Amsonia hubrichtii with ‘Chicago Apache’ Daylily and ‘Shenendoah’ Switchgrass


While the blue mid-summer blooms of the salvia have faded to brown, they still complement the silver of the Rattlesnake Master combined with the blue of Russian Sage.


The seed heads of the Blazingstar and Purple Coneflower still hold interest, while the Purple Love Grass and the blue Sea Lavender bring in accents of color.


As the white bracts of the calamint start to turn a lavender color, the Blue Bottle Gentian, growing with it, will be in spectacular bloom – one of many thoughtful plant combinations


The great mound of calamint mimics the Pritzker Pavilion beyond the hedge


The massing of various Blue Salivias is tranquil and understated in August, but is a river of blue in Mid-summer




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